  • refers to a part of the occipital lobe defined in humans on the basis of multiple criteria, including thickness, myeloarchitecture ( heavily myelinated stria of Gennari ), and functional connectivity ( with the lateral geniculate nucleus ). It occupies a small area of the occipital pole and the banks of the calcarine sulcus, which are located in the cuneus dorsally and the lingual gyrus ventrally. In the macaque it occupies the occipital pole and most of the lateral surface of the occipital lobe ( Paxinos-2009a ). It is bounded largely by areal V2 and area V3. Other authors have referred to the same topological area as 17, hOC1, OC, and BA17 ( Glasser-2016 ). Rats and mice have a topologically equivalent area, but the overall organization of visual cortical areas in rodents is unsettled. See visual cortex (rodent).


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