  • Intraoral devices designed to tightly overlay the occlusal surfaces of the upper and/or lower arch of the teeth and intended to be worn during contact sports to help protect the teeth, jaw, lips, and tongue of the wearer from blows or impacts during play. Mouth guards are also called mouth protectors or athletic mouth guards. Mouth guards are fabricated under high heat and positive pressure according to a dentist\'s instructions to custom fit the individual user\'s mouth. First an impression is made of the user\'s teeth, which is then used to model the mouth guard. They can be translucent or clear or made in opaque colors and are made from polymers, ethyl vinyl acetate resins, or thermoplastic. Mouth guards can also be bought off-the-shelf in pre-formed sizes; these cannot be individually fitted; some come with attached loop straps that allow for easy attachment to a helmet. Some mouth guards can be individually fitted by the user with a \'boil-and-bite\' method in which a pre-formed mouth guard is softened by boiling in water, placed in the user\'s mouth who then bites down on it to adapt the fit to his/her own mouth, and then cooled, thus retaining the shape.


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