  • refers to a cytoarchitecturally defined set of four areas in the cerebral cortex of the rat ( Swanson-2004 ) and the mouse ( Hof-2000 ). It includes the lateral orbital area, the medial orbital area, the ventral orbital area and the ventrolateral orbital area. All four areas are agranular cortex ( Krettek-1977 ). For equivalent topological areas in the human and macaque see orbital gyri. The human and the macaque, however, do not have equivalent areas defined by internal structure. The topologically equivalent structures are occupied by orbital prefrontal cortex, almost all of which is granular cortex. The only exceptions are area 13a, area 14c, and a narrow strip of agranular orbitofrontal cortex at the caudal boundary, which is considered equivalent to the agranular insular cortex of the rat and mouse ( Preuss-1995; Wallis-2012 ).


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