  • Containers designed to provide a high degree of thermal isolation to biological and/or pharmaceutical products (e.g., blood products, medicines, vaccines) during transportation without using refrigeration or frozen substances (i.e., providing passive thermal isolation). These containers typically consist of vacuum isolated panels tightly covered by an outer shell (usually a cardboard box); the panels are filled with modules that contain the biological products that are transported. Thermally isolated containers permit the transportation of biological products within a narrow range of pre-established temperatures during a limited period of time (e.g., 48 to 72 hours) even in an extremely hot or cold environment (e.g., temperature limits from -20 to 40 degrees Celsius/-4 to 104 degrees Fahrenheit). The modules usually should be conditioned in a freezer prior to transportation. Passive isolation thermally protected transport containers may be portable or mobile; dedicated transport containers intended for blood and blood products transportation are available.


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