One-lung ventilation tracheal tubes designed as a double-lumen tube with a video camera attached at the distal tip to facilitate visualization during the procedures. These tubes consist of a disposable plastic (e.g., PVC) sterilized double-lumen tube that includes a video system (i.e., camera, light source, and fiberoptic cable), a cuff, and an integral flushing system to clean the camera lenses. The tracheal tube also permits passing a catheter to block the airway at the selected bronchial site. Double-lumen video tracheal tubes are intended for continuous visualization of the vocal cords, trachea, and carina while performing the procedures; they permit the observation of the procedures on external monitors (including handheld devices) linked to an external unit that is connected with cables to the proximal end of the tubes. The tubes are used mainly for intubation, during thoracic surgery requiring lung isolation, and/or for other intensive care procedures reducing the need of bronchoscopes to perform the procedures.