Scanning systems designed to capture three-dimensional (3-D) in-vivo images of the topographical features of body parts of orthopedic interest using laser, light, or a combination of laser and light scanning systems. These systems typically consist of a handheld wand that is placed parallel to the body to scan and capture images from the area of interest, a central unit (e.g., a personal computer) that process the data and 3-D images, and a monitor that displays the video images in real time. The systems simultaneously record the digital data corresponding to the images as a digital orthopedic impression using dedicated software. Once the digital impression is assessed, it is sent electronically to an orthopedic laboratory for conventional prosthesis manufacturing or to a computer-aided manufacturing milling machine for automated custom manufacturing of the model and/or an appropriate prosthesis. Orthopedic impression scanning systems are used in the manufacturing of a variety of prosthesis such as lower and, upper limb, and foot prostheses; they are also used to manufacture other orthopedic products including positive molds, helmets, and orthoses (e.g., braces).