  • Type of security metadata observation made about the control of an IT resource (data, information object, service, or system capability), which may be used to make access control decisions. Security control metadata convey instructions to users and receivers for secure distribution, transmission,and storage; dictate obligations or mandated actions; specify any action prohibited by refrain policy such as dissemination controls; and stipulate the permissible purpose of use of an IT resource.

    Examples:Types of security control metadata include handling:

    * caveats * dissemination controls * obligations * refrain policies * purpose of use constraints

    Usage Note:SecurityControlObservationType concept domain designates a code system used to name a security label field type that may be valued with a \'security label tag\' such as a code from the security label tag set \'SecurityControlObservationValue\' value set. Codes may be drawn from the union of the following value sets: V:SecurityPolicy, V:ObligationiPolicy, V:RefrainPolicy, V:PurposeOfUse, and V:GeneralPurposeOfUse.
  • Type of security metadata observation made about the control of an IT resource (data, information object, service, or system capability), which may be used to make access control decisions. Security control metadata conveys instructions for secure distribution, transmission, storage or use.



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