  • Type of security metadata observation made about the integrity provenance of an IT resource (data, information object, service, or system capability), which indicates the entity that made assertions about the resource. The asserting entity may not be the original informant about the resource.

  • Type of security metadata observation made about the provenance integrity of an IT resource (data, information object, service, or system capability), which indicates the entity responsible for an assertion relayed \'second-hand\' about an IT resource.

    Rationale:In accordance with HL7 RM-ES EHR-FM Profile at IN:1.8: If more than one author contributed to the EHR content, then the system shall provide the ability to associate and maintain all authors/contributors with their content.Examples:Types of security integrity provenance asserted by observation metadata, which may value the observation, include assertions about an IT resource by a patient, a clinician, or a device.Usage Note:SecurityIntegrityProvenanceAssertedByObservationType concept domain designates a code system used to name a security label field type that may be valued with a \'security label tag\' such as a code from the security label tag set \'SecurityIntegrityProvenanceAssertedByObservationValue\' value set.


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