  • refers to an area in the posteromedial part of the orbital gyri identified on the basis of multiple stains in the human. It is located between the agranular orbitofrontal cortex posteriorly, area 11 anteriorly, area 14 medially and area 47/12m laterally. It is one of nine subdivisions of the orbitomedial prefrontal cortex in the human; the others besides those mentioned are area 24, area 25, area 32ac, and area 32pl. Area 13 is subdivided into four areas: area 13a, area 13b, area 13l, and area 13m. For the relations of this segmentation and terminology to others, see Ongur-2003. The equivalent area in the macaque is area 13 (macaque). The rat has no equivalent to the rostral portion, which is composed of granular cortex. It may have an equivalent to the caudal portion, which is agranular cortex ( Wallis-2012 ). See orbital areas (rodent).


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