  • refers to the more dorsal of two components of lateral prefrontal cortex in primates. Defined on the basis of multiple criteria, it is located predominantly in the rostral parts of the superior frontal gyrus and the middle frontal gyrus. It includes area 8, area 9, area 9/46, and area 46 of both the human and the macaque ( Petrides-2012 ). The other component of lateral prefrontal cortex is the ventrolateral prefrontal cortex. Early authors used the term \'\'dorsolateral prefrontal cortex\'\' to refer the entire lateral prefrontal cortex as distinct from the orbitomedial prefrontal cortex, and some have used it in reference to other combinations of areas in the lateral prefrontal cortex and orbitomedial prefrontal cortex ( Preuss-1995 ). Lateral prefrontal cortex is granular cortex rostral to the motor cortex and thus has no equivalent in the rat ( Preuss-1995; Wallis-2012 ).


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