refers to one of two parts of prefrontal cortex in the human ( Ongur-2003 ) and the macaque ( Carmichael-1994 ). It is defined and segmented on the basis of connectivity and internal structure as defined by multiple histological and immunohistological stains. In the human it occupies the entire orbital gyri, the transverse frontopolar gyri, the straight gyrus, the inferior rostral gyrus, the superior rostral gyrus, and part of the anterior cingulate gyrus. It is composed of the orbital prefrontal cortex and the medial prefrontal cortex of Ongur, which are segmented into ten general areas: the agranular orbitofrontal cortex, area 10, area 11, area 47, area 13, area 14, area 24, area 25, area 32ac and area 32pl. Those are further divided into more than 20 primary areas, each of which was shown to differ from adjacent areas by at least two stains.
The orbitomedial prefrontal cortex (macaque) has architechturally equivalent areas that are similarly named except that the equivalent to area 47 is area 12. The only substantive difference is that the macaque lacks an area 32ac, and area 32 (macaque), which is topologically equivalent to area 32ac, is architectonically more similar to the human area 32pl ( Ongur-2003 ).
In both species the orbital prefrontal cortex is largely granular cortex, which has no equivalent in the rat. Only the most caudal strip of the orbital prefrontal cortex and the medial prefrontal cortex of Ongur are agranular ( Preuss-1995; Wallis-2012 ). Their equivalents may be found in the orbital areas (rodent) and the agranular insular cortex of the rodent.