  • Physiologic recorders that combine the capabilities of electromyographs (EMG) and evoked potential recorders. These recorders can detect, amplify, and record the electrical potential of skeletal muscle during muscular activity and also the brain bioelectric response (i.e., the evoked potential, EP) to visual, auditory, and/or somatosensory external stimuli. These recorders typically consist of signal amplifiers; filters (to suppress interference); memory (e.g., electronic, optical/magnetic disc); a loudspeaker; and a display; they also include detachable electrodes. Electrodes for myographic recording consist of surface electrodes placed near the muscle (or, for more accurate measurements, needle or fine-wire electrodes are placed within the muscle). For evoked potential measurements the electrodes are usually placed on the scalp and/or the skin over the spine. EMG recordings may be displayed as a graphic of the measured voltages versus time (an electromyogram). The use of the recorders for EMG are mostly intended to assess the functional ability of the peripheral nerves, helping in the diagnosis of neurological and neuromuscular disorders; recorded evoked potential data is used in studies intended to diagnose auditory lesions and sensory function abnormalities; they are also used for screening the auditory function in infants as well as the sensory function after trauma or in comatose patients.


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