  • refers to the middle of three parts of area 24o in the anterior cingulate cortex of the human, macaque, rat and mouse ( Vogt-2013 ). The others are area 24a and area 24c. In the human, 24b is described in two ways. In one version ( Vogt-2012 ) it is described as located on the surface of the anterior cingulate gyrus between the callosal sulcus and the cingulate sulcus rostral to the genu of the corpus callosum. In that parcellation it is bounded rostrally by area 24c and caudally by area 24a. In a more recent parcellation, where its architectonic features are compared with other species ( Vogt-2013 ), it is also bounded rostrally by area 24c, but caudally by area 33o and ventrally by area 24a. In that parcellation it is called \'p24ab\'. In the macaque, its location in the anterior cingulate gyrus is dorsal to the genu. Its architectonic borders are: ventral with area 24a, rostral with area p32, dorsal with area 24c and caudal with anterior midcingulate cortex ( Vogt-2005; Vogt-2012 ). In that parcellation ( Vogt-2013 ), it is combined with area 24b and called \'24ab\'. In the rat and mouse, its topological location and boundaries with other architectonically defined areas are, with one exception, similar to the macaque. Since the rodent lacks an area 24c the dorsal boundary is with premotor cortex ( Swanson-2004; Hof-2000 ).


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