  • refers to the smallest of four parts of the cingulate cortex in the human and the macaque. The others are the anterior cingulate cortex, the midcingulate cortex, and the posterior cingulate cortex. It is a cytoarchitecturally defined portion of periarchicortex ( Stephan-1975 ). Located in the ventral bank of the posterior cingulate gyrus and bordered internally by the callosal sulcus, it arches around the splenium of the corpus callosum. Externally it is bounded by area 23. It is continuous rostrally with area 33, which, similarly, separates an outer area 24 from the corpus callosum. It has two components: a granular area: area 29 ( Vogt-2012 ), and area 30, which is described as dysgranular by some authors ( Vogt-2012 ) and agranular by others ( Zilles-2004 ). In the cerebrocortical segmentation of the fMRI-based Human Connectome Project ( Glasser-2016 ), it is named \'retrosplenial complex\' and defined on the basis of internal MRI structure, connectivity, and fMRI activation during behavioral tasks. In that segmentation it is bounded, in caudorostral order, by area POS1, area v23ab, area d23ab, and area 23d. It has strong functional connectivity with area POS2. It is fMRI-activated in a MOTOR CUE task, activated or deactivated in WORKING MEMORY and GAMBLING tasks depending on the area compared, and deactivated in LANGUAGE STORY, STORY and THEORY OF MIND tasks ( Glasser-2016 ). In the rat and mouse, area 29 is divided into two parts: retrosplenial dysgranular area and retrosplenial granular area ( Paxinos-2009b ).


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