  • Electric power systems designed to automatically supply independent electric power using radiant energy from the sun. These systems main components are: (1) solar panels made up of many solar cells containing both a positive and a negative layer. As the sun energy is absorbed by the cells, electrons are created and then travel toward the bottom of the panel and exit through a connecting wire as a source of electricity, (2) a charge controller to regulate the charge, thus preventing battery overcharging, (3) a power inverter used to convert the low voltage DC generated to the 120 volts AC needed to run appliances and/or to charge the batteries if connected to a utility grid, and (4) a set of batteries to store the solar energy for a consistent power supply over time. Solar energy electrical power units are used in remote areas and also as a renewable source of electric energy. Concentrated solar thermal power systems that used solar energy to make steam by boiling water which in turn is converted into electricity by a turbine providing large power output in the order of megawatts are also available.


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