Systems designed for manufacturing and/or repair of foot orthopedic orthoses and prostheses using computer-assisted design and manufacturing (CAD/CAM) techniques. These systems typically consist of a scanning unit that combines light sources and a video camera for in-vivo scanning of the foot, a workstation with appropriate software to process the data from the digital topographical image taken by the scanner and provide output for a computerized manufacturing unit (e.g. milling/drilling or additive manufacturing machine), and an automated computer milling/drilling machine that manufacture the orthosis and/or prosthesis. Some systems may also take digitized data from mechanical contact mapping units (e.g., foot plantar shape and/or pressure digitizer). CAD/CAM foot orthopedic systems are intended for automated manufacturing of orthoses and prostheses from ceramic, composite plastics, and/or metal blocks. All units of the systems may be located in orthopedic offices or the manufacturing unit may be located in a separate orthopedic laboratory.