  • Computer-aided design and manufacturing (CAD/CAM) orthopedic prosthesis system software designed to operate systems that obtain, process, and store digital foot orthopedic topographic data and images (i.e., orthopedic impressions) and send the data directly or through a network to milling units for automated manufacturing of the required prostheses and/or orthoses. The software may also control/monitor a limited number of the system functions. This software usually works in a computerized workstation and may interact with other devices used in the procedure, such as optical and/or mechanical scanning systems and milling drilling machines. Foot orthosis/prosthesis computed orthopedic CAD/CAM system software may be intended for the unit (e.g., digital scanner) that designs the impression, the orthopedic milling machine, or both. CAD/CAM system software is used in podiatric areas and associated orthopedic laboratories.


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