  • A scoring system designed to classify a patient\'s risk of mantle cell lymphoma progression or relapse and overall survival following therapy. It uses the criteria of patient\'s age, ECOG performance status, serum LDH activity, WBC count and Ki-67 index to classify patients into low risk, medium risk or high risk groups. The MIPIb score is calculated using the formula: [0.03535 x age (years)] + 0.6978 (if ECOG > 1) + [1.367 x log10(LDH/ULN)] + [0.9393 x log10(WBC count)] + [0.02142 x Ki-67 (%)]. A score < 5.7 indicates low risk disease, 5.7 - 6.5 indicates intermediate risk, and 6.5 or greater high risk.


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