  • Stage IIIA includes: T3, N1, M0. T3: Tumor is locally advanced but potentially resectable. The tumor involves all the ipsilateral pleural surfaces (parietal, mediastinal, diaphragmatic, and visceral pleura) with at least one of the following features: involvement of the endothoracic fascia, extension into the mediastinal fat, solitary, completely resectable focus of tumor extending into the soft tissues of the chest wall, and/or nontransmural involvement of the pericardium. N1: Metastases in the ipsilateral bronchopulmonary, hilar, or mediastinal (including the internal mammary, peridiaphragmatic, pericardial fat pad, or intercostal) lymph nodes. M0: No distant metastasis. (AJCC 8th ed.)


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