Stage IIIC1 includes: T1-T3, N1/N1mi/N1a, M0. T1: Uterine corpus carcinoma or carcinosarcoma with tumor confined to the corpus uteri, including endocervical glandular involvement. T2: Uterine corpus carcinoma or carcinosarcoma with tumor invading the stromal connective tissue of the cervix but not extending beyond the uterus. Does not include endocervical glandular involvement. T3: Uterine corpus carcinoma or carcinosarcoma with tumor involving serosa, adnexa, vagina, or parametrium. N1: Regional lymph node metastasis to pelvic lymph nodes. N1mi: Regional lymph node metastasis (greater than 0.2 mm but nor greater than 2.0 mm in diameter) to pelvic lymph nodes. N1a: Regional lymph node metastasis (greater than 2.0 mm in diameter) to pelvic lymph nodes. M0: No distant metastasis. (from AJCC 8th Ed.)