  • Specifies the type or actual definition of a contractually binding agreement or a non-binding representation of that agreement between a grantor and a grantee as to the exchange of the grantee’s considerations in return for the grantor’s control of certain assets. The type of assets exchanged include rights, license, terms of service, valued items, information and real property assets and control over such assets such as physical and locatable property; intellectual property; biospecimen; genomic and genetic information related to an individual including that disclosed by genetically related individuals with or without the individual’s consent; personal identifiable, pseudonymized, anonymized, de-identified per some rubric, and relinkable variants.

    Usage Note:Types or actual definitions of a contractually binding agreement or a non-binding representation of that agreement include:

    * _ActDecision (formally ActConsentDirective), which specifies the type of decision made by the grantor. The decision types are mapped to ISO/TS 17975 Health informatics â€\' Principles and data requirements for consent in the Collection, Use or Disclosure of personal health information; * _ActPrivacyConsentDirective, which is the parent of types of registry participation consent directives, and of realm specific privacy consent directive policies such as _USPrivacyConsentDirective and _GDPRPrivacyConsentDirective.



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