  • A rare genetic haemoglobinopathy disorder due to a defect in the gama subunit of the fetal haemoglobin and characterised by neonatal cyanosis, low haemoglobin oxygen saturation levels without arterial hypoxaemia, moderate anaemia and reticulocytosis, not associated with heart or lung disease. Symptoms progressively subside within the first months of life. Can be caused by heterozygous mutation in the HBG2 gene on chromosome 11p15.5.
  • A rare genetic hemoglobinopathy disorder due to a defect in the gama subunit of the fetal hemoglobin and characterized by neonatal cyanosis, low hemoglobin oxygen saturation levels without arterial hypoxemia, moderate anemia and reticulocytosis, not associated with heart or lung disease. Symptoms progressively subside within the first months of life. Can be caused by heterozygous mutation in the HBG2 gene on chromosome 11p15.5.


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