  • This compartment code may be used as a field value in an initiator\'s clearance to indicate permission for its Clinical Decision Support system (CDSS) to access and use an IT Resource with a security label having the same compartment value in the security category label field.

    This code permits a CDS system to algorithmically process information with this compartment tag for the purpose of alerting an unauthorized end user that masked information is needed to address an emergency or a patient safety issue, such as a contraindicated medication. The alert would advise the end user to \'break the glass\', to access the masked information in an accountable manner, or to ask the patient about possibly masked information.

    For example, releasing a list of sensitive medications with this compartment tag means that while the CDS system is permitted to use this list in its contraindication analysis, this sensitive information should not be shared directly with unauthorized end-users or end-user-facing Apps. Based on the results of the CDS system analysis (e.g., warnings about prescriptions) the end-user (e.g., a clinician) may still have the ability to access to the sensitive information by invoking \'break-the-glass protocol\'.

    Usage Note:A security label with the CDS system compartment may be used in conjunction with other security labels, e.g., a label authorizing an end user with adequate clearance to access the same CDS system compartment tagged information. For example, a patient may restrict sharing sensitive information with most care team members except in an emergency or to prevent an adverse event, and may consent to sharing with their sensitive service care team providers, e.g., for mental health or substance abuse.


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