  • The date and time span when this activity began and ended. EXAMPLE(S): The date and time when a sample is taken from the subject. A dose of chemotherapy is given on June 12th starting at 9am and finishing at 12pm. OTHER NAME(S): NOTE(S): Whether administrative or preparatory activities are included in this time frame is up to whoever is defining the activity - this time frame is all that matters when the activity occurred. The date range is an interval (IVL) data type, meaning it has a beginning (low) and end (high) values. It is also a datetime (TS.DATETIME) data type, meaning the beginning date and the end date can have uncertain values (e.g., a range). For example, if a subject was diagnosed with leukemia sometime in 2009 and that subject had a transplant (substance administration) sometime in 2010. We can surmise that the subject must have had a preparative regimen sometime between those times. Therefore the preparative regimen activity would have a beginning (low) date range of between 2009-01-01 and 2009-12-31; and an ending (high) date range of between 2010-01-01 and 2010-12-31. The precise data type mappings would be: IVL.low.uncertainRange.low = 2009-01-01 IVL.low.uncertainRange.high = 2009-12-31 IVL.high.uncertainRange.low = 2010-01-01 IVL.high.uncertainRange.high = 2010-12-31 [Note that times are left out of the example to keep it as simple as possible.]


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