A coded value specifying the database, method, or computer algorithm that was used to determine ethnicity as recorded in the Computed Ethnicity Code. [adapted from NCI SEER Program Coding and Staging Manual 2015] EXAMPLE(S): For the U.S. National Cancer Institute (NCI) Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) program: 0 = No match [linkage] was run for 1994 and later cases 1 = Census Bureau list of Spanish surnames, NOS 2 = 1980 Census Bureau list of Spanish surnames 3 = 1990 Census Bureau list of Spanish surnames 4 = GUESS program 5 = Combination list including South Florida names 6 = Combination of Census and other locally generated list 7 = Combination of Census and GUESS, with or without other lists 8 = Other type of match (Do not record results of NHIA in this field) 9 = Unknown type of match Blank = 1993 and earlier cases, no match [linkage] was run OTHER NAME(S): NOTE(S): For SEER, blank is allowed only for tumors diagnosed in 1993 and earlier.