  • A coded value specifying the points in the course of an activity when a precondition for the activity is evaluated. EXAMPLE(S) When the checkpointCode for a criterion of a repeatable activity is \'end,\' the criterion is tested only at the end of each repetition of that activity. When the condition holds true, the next repetition is ready for execution. When the checkpointCode is \'entry,\' the criterion is checked at the beginning of each repetition, if any, whereas \'beginning\' means the criterion is checked only once before the repetition \'loop\' starts. The checkpointCode \'through\' is special in that it requires the condition to hold throughout the execution of the activity, even throughout a single execution. As soon as the condition turns false, the activity should receive an interrupt event (see PlannedActivity.interruptibleIndicator) and will eventually terminate. NOTE(S): The checkpointCode specifies when the precondition is to be checked; it is analogous to the various conditional statements and loop constructs in programming languages \'while-do\' vs. \'do-while\' or \'repeat-until\' vs. \'loop-exit.\'


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