A coded value specifying the kind of payment method for this subject. EXAMPLE(S): Private Insurance, Medicare, Medicare And Private Insurance, Medicaid For the U.S. National Cancer Institute: (NCI) Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) program (Code = Label - Definition): 01 = Not insured - Patient has no insurance and is declared a charity write-off 02 = Not insured, self-pay - Patient has no insurance and is declared responsible for charges 10 = Insurance, NOS - Type of insurance is unknown or other than types listed in codes 20, 21, 31, 35, 60-68 20 = Private Insurance: Managed care, HMO, or PPO - An organized system of prepaid care for a group of enrollees usually within a defined geographic area. Generally formed as one of four types: a group model, an independent physician association (IPA), a network, or a staff model. \'Gate-keeper model\' is another term for describing this type of insurance. 21 = Private Insurance: Fee-for-service - An insurance plan that does not have negotiated fee structure with the participating hospital. Type of insurance plan not coded as 20. 31 = Medicaid - State government administered insurance for persons who are uninsured, below the poverty level, or covered under entitlement programs Medicaid other than Medicaid described in code 35 Etc. OTHER NAME(S): NOTE(S):