From the Document: [1] COVID-19 [coronavirus disease 2019] is having a devastating impact on the health and wellbeing of people across the world People affected by conflict and other disasters live in areas where health, water and sanitation, and other essential services are often already extremely fragile or unavailable [2] People affected by conflict and other disasters, including many internally displaced persons and refugees, children, older people, and people with disabilities, are extremely vulnerable and often rely on existing humanitarian operations to survive The COVID-19 pandemic presents yet another challenge for the world\'s most vulnerable people that requires a collective response [3] In their efforts to prevent the spread of the pandemic, many governments have taken measures limiting internal and cross-border movements We support measures to prevent the spread of the pandemic, and all humanitarian organisations are committed to respect such decisions taken by governments Simultaneously, some measures may unintentionally impede humanitarian operations at a time when they\'re needed most, in particular by restricting the movement of most-needed medical personnel and supplies vital to stemming COVID-19 and saving lives COVID-19 (Disease);Public health personnel;Medical supplies--Management;International aid;Epidemics