  • SARS-CoV-2, the novel coronavirus resulting in the present COVID-19 pandemic, has increased the otolaryngologist\'s reliance on telemedicine to manage outpatient pathology. The nature of telemedicine, however, limits a provider\'s ability to obtain a comprehensive physical examination, specifically of the tympanic membrane. Various smartphone-based otoscopic attachments are now available that facilitate patient-obtained otoscopic image capture of the tympanic membrane. Here, we present 3 cases in which a patient-purchased, over-the-counter otoscope was utilized to alter otologic management during the time of social distancing. Further research is necessary to improve our understanding the safety and efficacy of patient-based \'at-home\' otoscopic examination and to optimize the use of these devices.
  • 10.1177/0194599820934776
  • Otolaryngology--head_and_neck_surgery_:_official_journal_of_American_Academy_of_Otolaryngology-Head_and_Neck_Surgery
  • unk
  • 32513060
  • Medline
  • Pediatric, Family-Centered, \'At-Home\' Otologic Physical Examination in the COVID-19 Era.
  • 2020-06-09


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