  • The information on this page provides an expanded focus on the health and safety of K-12 school staff The strategies also provide workplace safety and health information for administrators related to protecting teachers, substitute teachers, paraprofessionals, janitorial/maintenance staff, office staff, school nutrition staff, school nurses/health professionals, school bus drivers and bus aides, coaching staff and athletic trainers, and music, choir, and performing arts teachers This list is not exhaustive and addresses only some of the many jobs in schools These strategies are meant to supplement—not replace—Operating schools during COVID-19: CDC’s Considerations, and any federal, state, local, territorial, or tribal health and safety laws, rules, and regulations with which schools must comply These strategies apply whether staff and students have returned to in-person learning, staff is assigned to work in school buildings to support virtual learning, or the school implements hybrid models (combined in-person and virtual instruction) Certain aspects of these strategies apply to non-school buildings operated by K-12 school systems (e g , office workers in district administration buildings, transportation hubs, and maintenance shops) Specifically, this page provides information about: What is currently known about COVID-19 transmission in schools and the exposure risk among K-12 school staff;Preventing and reducing the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19 among school staff, which will also prevent transmission among students and the wider community;Maintaining healthy school operations;Maintaining a healthy school/work environment;and Special considerations for certain occupations within school environments
  • unk
  • WHO
  • Strategies for Protecting K-12 School Staff from COVID-19
  • #743504
  • #743597
  • 2021


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