  • This article tries to understand the manifold impact the coronavirus crisis has had on social life Beck?s ?risk society? is discussed, especially in the pandemic?s transition from a risk to a concrete threat Moreover, the article shows that the World Health Organization was already framing its discourse in connection with risk, though the nation-state model that dominates global politics prevented it from taking more decisive action, not because nation-states are weak, but because they simply did not ascribe importance to looming pandemics This is bound to change: politically-steered and policy-oriented state capabilities ? taxation, managing, moulding, surveillance, coercion, materialization, along with a legal meta-capability, which never waned, return to the forefront At least partly in the West and Latin America the security of populations has taken centre-stage Keynesianism and some sort of state welfarism are making a comeback Changes in ?global health governance? are happening, too While the precise direction of change is unclear, the article presents some future possibilities
is ?:annotates of
  • Current_Sociology
  • unk
  • WHO
  • From global risk to global threat: State capabilities and modernity in times of coronavirus
  • #917849
  • 2020


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