  • [ ]the pandemic has revealed and, in some cases, exacerbated a number of vulnerabilities in states in this region, especially their national health systems [ ]MERS-CoV was still present at the end of January 2020, with the World Health Organization (WHO) presenting that \'a total of 2,519 confirmed cases of MERS were reported globally, with most of these cases occurring in Saudi Arabia (2,121)\'3 [ ]the pandemic situation in the Iranian state, at the end of June 2020, is even more dramatic, the number of infected doubled, about 40,000 active cases, and the number of deaths exceeded 10,000 people, suspecting the occurrence of \'a second wave of crisis\'15 [ ]Iran, already economically weakened by the political-economic sanctions maintained by the USA and, apparently, the most affected of the analysed states, remains on a downward economic slope [ ]we have focused this analysis on the immediate effects on short and medium-term determined or determinable macroeconomic indicators and sectors of the affected economy in the Middle East countries, as shown in the following tables
is ?:annotates of
  • Strategic_Impact
  • unk
  • WHO
  • Security Effects and Geopolitical Trends Generated by the Covid-19 Pandemic in the Middle East
  • #915049
  • 2020


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