  • [ ]our ever-changing understanding of transmission - will surface transmission and asymptomatic transmission be sufficient to necessitate barriers, systems and controls on a permanent basis? Or, are they a shorter-term concern with an interim response? DATA SET TWO - THE REAL ESTATE SUPPLY In examining real estate markets, we must consider existing fragility, adaptability to new demands, and potential relevance to new markets Among existing buildings, advantage may go to those that support resilience in the face of this and future crises-sufficient storage space, life-safety and isolation features, ability to reconfigure for surges in demand, isolation without loss of capacity, and ease of cleaning After the Great Depression, a generation was left with habits of thrift, savings and risk aversion that lasted their lifetimes and was not reset until the emergence of baby boomers [ ]the increase:
is ?:annotates of
  • Real_Estate_Issues
  • unk
is ?:relation_isRelatedTo_publication of
  • WHO
  • COVID-19 and Real Estate: What Can We Anticipate?
  • #924887
  • 2020


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