  • The purpose of this article is to explain the new legal conditions created by the crisis of Covid-19 in the legal system, (especially regarding the obligations and duties of governments) In this article the author tries to shed more lights on legal arguments: this outbreak once again necessitates the importance of the \'Right to health\' This right is mentioned both in Human Rights Declaration and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, article twelve, in pandemic situations, all the international organizations and countries must come to the victim\'s aid In pandemic conditions all the countries must co-operate closely to overcome the disaster, they should work on exchanging information and experiences or provide medical and medicinal help to each other, governments\' duties and actions are varied and include: immunization and vaccination of vulnerable people, educating people, helping to improve the nutrition, keep sick people and the ones in contact with them in quarantine, medical care should be provided in a way that the patient has the right to choose the method, during disastrous situations, governments set some limits for the people like quarantine or limited commuting, and at time of crisis, there will be changes to contracts between legal persons for example terminating the contracts of the employees by the employer based on force majeure (unforeseeable circumstances that prevent fulfilling a contract)
is ?:annotates of
  • Evidence_Based_Health_Policy,_Management_&_Economics
  • unk
  • WHO
  • Legal aspects of the pandemic covid19: obligations and duties of government
  • #946441
  • 2020


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