  • This paper explains in detail how different technological fields can help to fight against the COVID-19 pandemic disease by means of innovative applications These technological fields are such as Internet of Things (IoT), Nanotechnology, etc On the other hand, this paper proposes a new accurate and rapid diagnostic tool that can give more accurate and faster COVID-19 test results than the traditional used RT-PCR test and other new tool called Diffractive Phase Interferometry (DPI) Our approach uses a Raman spectroscopy technique to identify the coronavirus The sample is taken by blowing the person through a sample chamber that made from carbon nanotubes (CNT) Then, the viruses can be optically characterized by focusing laser light on the collected sample As known, every virus has its own fingerprint that can distinguish the coronavirus from any other type of viruses such as influenza This paper introduces a performance comparison between our proposed COVID-19 diagnostic method with the traditional RT-PCR method and the DPI tool The results showed the great ability of the proposed diagnostic tool to identify the virus easily, quickly, and accurately compared with the existing diagnosis tools © 2020 IAMOT
is ?:annotates of
  • International_Journal_of_Microwave_and_Optical_Technology
  • unk
  • WHO
  • A rapid diagnosis tool based on LASER for fighting COVID-19
  • #826302
  • 2020


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