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COVID-19 has become a global public health emergency in almost all over the world, including in Indonesia Effective risk communication becomes an emergency response to increase awareness and determine appropriate interventions The study aimed to assess the success of risk communication monitoring using Google Trends during the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia Quantitative and qualitative research uses time-series data (31 December 2019-2 May 2020) The relative search volume (RSV) of keyword ‘masker’ (mask) and ‘cuci tangan’ (handwashing) from Google Trends (GT) and the number of COVID-19 daily cases were collected Analyzed qualitatively RSV search data and daily case comparisons were performed based on Pearson correlation analysis and time lag correlation with significance <0 05 The keyword ‘masker’ has four peaks and ‘cuci tangan’ has three peaks with fluctuations due to the increase in mask prices, government policies, news, and official WHO recommendations Validation using time-lag correlation shows the significant results between RSV keywords related to personal protection and the number of COVID-19 cases The highest correlation was achieved by the keyword ‘masker’ three days before the number of COVID-19 cases Google Trends can potentially be used as a complement and support for early warning systems in the surveillance system and improve public health responses in Indonesia © 2020, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan - Faculty of Publich Health All rights reserved
Potential use of personal protection online search during COVID-19 pandemic for predicting and monitoring public response