  • [ ]it was initially created the image of a divided Europe, in which institutions in Brussels did not coordinate a coherent response to the pandemic and the member states did not support each other In the case of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, the virus had a continental spread, with all states already in the position or waiting to be put in a position to manage a large number of infections and to limit its spread as much as possible [ ]in the first instance, the European states had a rather reflexive reaction - protecting their own population - by all available means (limiting the export of medical equipment, imposing measures to isolate their own citizens from citizens of other states etc ) [ ]after overcoming this first phase, in which member states absorbed the initial shock of the pandemic, there were numerous mutual support initiatives between member states, as well as actual efforts of EU institutions to manage the health crisis not only on the European continent, but also in the regions in the close neighbourhood7 [ ]the EU was one of the international players having responded to China\'s need for medical equipment before the virus wreaked havoc on the European continent
is ?:annotates of
  • Strategic_Impact
  • unk
  • WHO
  • European Defence – Change of Course in the Context of Covid-19 Pandemic?
  • #896216
  • 2020


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