  • PG96 Table 1Summary of feedback comments on webex and whatsapp integration• SIMs of high fidelity and well thought out • Integration of WhatsApp is brilliant • Sharing materials on WhatsApp was a great idea • Very impressed with technical support and WhatsApp group in tandem • Seemed really well organised and very good use of tech even with the minor issues with sound now and then • Really brilliant way to allow remote participation RecommendationsAll existing courses should consider how these methods might aid in the delivery of essential education during the COVID–19 pandemicAllow a remote attendance option for candidates who cannot feasibly attend in person, for example those who are post–nights
is ?:annotates of
  • BMJ_Simulation_&_Technology_Enhanced_Learning
  • unk
  • WHO
  • PG96 Socially distanced simulation: adapting the one heart kids course to COVID-19 using remote attendance and real-time digital simulation support materials
  • #919126
  • 2020


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