COVID 19 is a contagious viral disease caused via SARS CoV 2 appeared at Wuhan,the chinese city, which has spread worldwide SARSCoV-2 has been shown to be relatively associated with bat {SARS-like} viruses, and therefore bats may be a potential reservoir of infection origin and transmission for humans is unknown, but rapid transmission from humans to humans has been confirmed widely O glycosylation plays a major role in causing coronavirus infection, which creates an antigenic structure,virus can not survive outside its host and by default uses cells of the host Host cell adhesion to the virus occurs mainly independently of blood type ABO via a genetically unspecified evolutionary structure, and appears to act as a pathogen host pathway functional for many contagious diseases however, while susceptibility and severity depend on several factors such as individuals of A blood type who unable to respond to acquired or inherent antibodies for synthesize hybrid ((A-like)) formations due to the selection of clonal and plasma protein adaptation Thus individuals with a blood group A will be a preferred target of the virus that uses glycotransferase to phenotype, and leads to more hybrid correlation of the blood type A-allelic type of hybrid while associated O individuals with the lowest risk to be infected © 2020, Advanced Scientific Research All rights reserved