  • UpToDate® is a point-of-care clinical resource used by nearly 2 million clinicians worldwide. Users in the USA and other regions can obtain continuing education credits after researching clinical questions at the point-of-care. As part of the CME credit redemption process, participants provide feedback on the information researched during the UpToDate® learning activity. We examined the impact of UpToDate® searches on clinical decision-making related to COVID-19. Between January 1 and 31 August 2020, UpToDate® added more than 40 topic reviews on various aspects of COVID-19 diagnosis and management, and developed new methods for delivering COVID-19 content to our learners. During the observation period, participants accessed COVID-19-related topic reviews over 7.5 million times. Data collected from CME activity evaluations and user feedback suggested that the learning activity had a significant impact on clinical decision-making. Over 94% reported that they modified their management strategies as a result of using UpToDate®, and 97% reported that use of UpToDate® led to improvement in care. These findings support the benefit of self-directed, point-of-care learning activities on the clinical management of patients during a global pandemic.
is ?:annotates of
  • 10.1080/21614083.2020.1832798
  • Journal_of_European_CME
  • cc-by-nc
  • document_parses/pdf_json/3b70930a55d3508c256bb7c7caafcc3b5054661e.json
  • document_parses/pmc_json/PMC7655052.xml.json
  • 33224626.0
  • Medline; PMC
  • CME in the Time of COVID-19: Educating Healthcare Professionals at the Point-of-care and Improving Performance Outcomes
  • 2020-10-16


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