  • The aim of this study was to assess the effect of acupressure with or without ice on reducing pain and anxiety during labour. The anxiety level of mothers was measured before and after study using Spielberger Inventory along with the labour pain. To improve the strength of this study, a meta-analysis was conducted on the effect of acupressure in point LI-4 on anxiety during labour. Ninety women in labour were randomly divided into three groups: acupressure with ice, acupressure without ice and the control group. The result suggested that women receiving both acupressure with ice (p = .005) or without ice (p < .001) experienced less labour pain in comparison with the control group. Also, the labour pain severity in acupressure without ice was lower than the group with ice (p < .001). Acupressure with (p = 1) or without (p = .09) ice was not significantly different from the control group in terms of the anxiety level. However, women in the group of acupressure without ice experienced less anxiety in comparison with acupressure with ice (p = .04). The difference in pain severity before and after treatment with acupressure with (RCI = 2.86) or without ice (RCI = 5.54) was clinically significant. The intervention was not clinically meaningful in terms of anxiety.Impact statementWhat is already known on this subject? Previous trials have exhibited that acupressure with/without ice reduced pain and anxiety during labour.What do the results of this subject add? The results of this research was consistent with previous studies, suggesting that acupressure, with or without ice, is more effective than the control group regarding labour pain. However, the group of acupressure with ice was not different from the control group with respect to the anxiety level.What are the implications of these findings for clinical practice and/or further research? In light of advantages, such as growing preference of women, researcher and health care providers for physiological delivery coupled with its safety and simplicity, it can be used as an effective technique to manage labour pain. Further studies are required to assess the effect of acupressure at L4 on the anxiety level.
  • 10.1080/01443615.2020.1747412
  • Journal_of_obstetrics_and_gynaecology_:_the_journal_of_the_Institute_of_Obstetrics_and_Gynaecology
  • unk
  • 32530373.0
  • Medline
  • Comparing the effect of acupressure with or without ice in LI-4 point on labour pain and anxiety levels during labour: a randomised controlled trial.
  • 2020-06-12


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