  • Guidelines of scientific societies and associations (including the Polish Ophthalmological Society) do not constitute binding laws and do not determine the only correct procedures;they are only an opinion of a group of experts from a given field The opinion reflects the current state of knowledge based on available scientific research results The guidelines do not exempt healthcare workers from personal liability with regard to making the correct decisions for individual patients Personal responsibility for the used therapeutic methods rests with all individuals who practise medicine It should be based on thorough knowledge and practical skills, while observing necessary safety measures with regard to oneself and the patient Readers of this paper are obliged to make themselves familiar with current information on the presented treatments and pharmacotherapies with special attention paid to manufacturers’ information on doses, time, and administration as well as side effects of the used drugs The publishers and editors of the paper shall not be responsible for any damages that could in any way be connected to the contents of this paper © 2020 Termedia Publishing House Ltd All rights reserved
is ?:annotates of
  • Klinika_Oczna
  • unk
  • WHO
  • Recommendations of the Polish Ophthalmological Society for contact-lens wearers in the COVID-19 era*
  • #854440
  • 2020


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