During outbreaks of pandemics such as Covid-19, understanding the emotional state of citizens of a country could be of interest to various organizations to carry out tasks and to take necessary measures Analyzing real time posts on twitter in India during Covid-19, could help in identifying the mood of the nation However, most of the existing studies related to Covid-19, on twitter and other social media platforms are performed on data posted during a specific interval We are not aware of any research that identifies emotional state of India on a daily basis Hence, we present a web portal that aims to display mood of India during Covid-19, based on real time twitter data As of 25 June 2020, the web portal has about 703618 tweets, and each of these tweets are classified into seven categories that include six basic emotions and a neutral category Mood of India During Covid-19 portal can be accessed from here -https://moodofindia herokuapp com/ and demonstration video can be found here - https://youtu be/2b0k_p1Hq9A © 2020 Owner/Author