This essay debates education in Covid-19 times from the problematization of the role of the State, the linguistic paradigm in curricula and content due to the break and suspension of face-to-face activities Two fronts to be fought are discussed: schooling linked to the future and content productivity that relegates education Being multi-referencial, we have a dialog with Boaventura Souza Santos, Byung-Chul Han, Gilles Deleuze, Michel Foucault and others to question the educational itineraries in this context With Friedrich Nietzsche, we think of an education linked to the present and to life Questions are asked about the government of bodies, the role of educational institutions, power relations in public policies and educational reconfigurations in the face of social isolation In defense of the potentialization of training processes based on a loving ethic with the world, it is demanded that educational institutions allow themselves active pauses in the reinvention of pedagogical paths © 2020 Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa, Editora All rights reserved