  • In this article we offer an analysis of a deeply problematic and troubling dual aspect of the COVID-19 pandemic: how disability is being understood within normative accounts of health and medicine to frame, interpret, and respond to its spread and implications; what are the terms of inclusion and exclusion in altered social life in the COVID crisis; and how people with disabilities fare. We find disturbing indications of disablism and oppressive biopolitics in the \'enforcing of normalcy\' that frames and dominates COVID reconstruction of social life - a situation that we suggest needs urgent deciphering, critique, and intervention.
  • 10.1080/14461242.2020.1784020
  • Health_sociology_review_:_the_journal_of_the_Health_Section_of_the_Australian_Sociological_Association
  • unk
  • 33411654
  • Medline
  • Disability, communication, and life itself in the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • 2020-07-01


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