  • Embodied imagination is a learning theory that reverses the accepted Western “think first, then act” learning sequence though movement improvisation followed by reflection and reflective methods across verbal and nonverbal, including embodied-kinesthetic, modalities. Healing the Cartesian divide might have positive effects on world cultures and people across socioeconomic strata, especially urgent during the COVID-19 pandemic as multiple disruptions to daily life have quickly increased uncertainty and stress, compromising health and well-being, especially of traditionally marginalized excluded People of Color. Expanding the performative reflexive autoethnographic project through embodied imagination broadens and deepens this global, transcultural, transdisciplinary effort through the human body, traditionally not considered human thinking’s locus. Benefits across global societies include greater self-care, the ability to act effectively quickly in response to a world with exponentially increasing complexity, and awareness that creativity is a global communitarian human birthright, not a rarity relegated to exceptional people.
  • 10.1177/1077800420962474
  • Qual_Inq
  • cc-by
  • document_parses/pdf_json/49ee01422a93e60cbaad84ee20e21538b5fafd74.json
  • PMC
  • Activating Embodied Imagination During COVID-19: A Performative Reflexive Autoethnography
  • 2020-10-13


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