  • Pathogenic microorganisms and virus are components of ecosystems, constructing endemic interrelationships with each specific host species thorough the co-evolutional history The spill-over of the pathogens from natural habitats into other area will cause encounters between the pathogen and new hosts which have never evolved the immunity or resistance, and will result in rapid spread of \'emerging infectious disease (EID)\' In the midst of accelerating globalization, human and societies have come to be the targets of the infectious disease caused by pathogens spilled over from the nature At this very moment, the newest EID, SARS-CoV-2, has spread over the world causing serious damages on the human health and economy During the social interest is growing for the pandemic risks of EID, it has been discussed that the destruction of biodiversity and environmental change by human over exploitation from nature is deeply related the EID pandemic In order to control further EID risks after SARS-CoV-2, we human should change our ever social and economic system to be more sustainable considering the significance of localities
is ?:annotates of
  • 環境共生
  • unk
is ?:relation_isRelatedTo_publication of
  • WHO
  • [Ecological approach for zoonosis - consideration of infectious disease risk from the view point of biological diversity] 人獣共通感染症の生態学的アプローチ〜生物多様性の観点から感染症リスクを考える
  • #875167
  • 2020


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