Aim The aim of the study was to review certain new strategies for the development of electronic health information systems Material and methods A review of research articles devoted to the application of modern technologies of primary medical care delivery in foreign countries and to the development of electronic medicine in the Russian Federation was conducted The applied importance of e-medicine in the field of remote observation and rehabilitation of patients with chronic diseases is being emphasized Results and discussion The main objectives of the rehabilitation programme for chronic patients are to prevent relapses, to improve physical performance and quality of life Special attention is given to patients discharged from hospital after an exacerbation of the disease Reduction of the economic costs of rehabilitation programmes is being achieved through the introduction of remote monitoring methods and through development of distance learning programmes for patients Along with various technical solutions to control heart rate, blood pressure, partial oxygen pressure and other indicators, the most effective is the use of interactive questionnaires to assess the health status, to control parameters of the course of a particular disease and quality of life In Russia, the most effective direction of electronic medical records development is the creation of applications designed as structured interactive questionnaires Their main differences from foreign systems are a large amount of information, the possibility of preliminary early diagnosis and compilation of clinical registers of patients for the purpose of active observation Electronic medicine may have special importance in connection with the epidemic of new corona virus infection COVID-19 A large number of patients who have suffered from COVID-related community acquired pneumonia may subsequently suffer from respiratory dysfunctions of varying severity The growth of interstitial pulmonary lesions is possible Delayed or refused rehabilitation of these patients threatens the growth of the number of citizens with developed persistent disability, reduced quality of life and life expectancy The need for rehabilitation, dispensary dynamic monitoring and treatment of these patients is expected to grow Conclusion The presented analysis makes it possible to formulate current tasks, the solution of which may significantly affect the mortality of patients with chronic non-communicable diseases Creation of clinical registers of patients and application of telemedical technologies are an urgent necessity