  • From the Document: To date, the health care system in Massachusetts has tested more than 500,000 people for COVID-19 [coronavirus disease 2019] On average, ~10,000 individuals are tested for COVID-19 in Massachusetts each day, comprising 4 4% of Massachusetts\' population each month The Commonwealth continues to work aggressively to expand access to testing to ensure: [1] All symptomatic residents (including those with mild symptoms) have timely access to a diagnostic test;[2] All close contacts (including those that are asymptomatic) have timely access to a diagnostic test;[3] Access to testing for vulnerable and high-risk populations;[4] Capacity to support frequent testing of nursing facility staff, as recommended by CDC [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] and CMS [Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services];[5] Massachusetts can reach its target of a 5% positive test rate by July;[6] Capacity to conduct intensive epidemiologic testing to establish the population rate (and change in rate) of incidence of COVID-19 infection and the prevalence of current and past COVID-19 infections[ ]COVID-19 (Disease);Health--Testing
  • unk
  • WHO
  • ELC Enhancing Detection: Massachusetts Testing Plan
  • #740815
  • 2020


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