  • Background: Non-face-to-face consultation, which ensures physical distance between patients and doctors, is increasing as a substitute mode for dealing with highly infectious diseases. Korea, with its remarkable Information and Communications Technology infrastructure, introduced telemedicine in 1988, yet it has not been formally accepted owing to stakeholders\' resistance and legal restrictions. Purpose: This study aims to determine the feasibility of implementing the telemedicine system and find solutions of its development and resistance by stakeholders. Method and Material: The authors present a unique case of Korea where telemedicine, despite its solid technological base, has not yet gained a foothold 32 years after its first pilot project. A narrative review was condected according to the timeline of government-driven telemedicine adoption in Korea, and an analysis was performed on the tendency of stakeholder resistance. Results: The analysis revealed that the relevant stakeholders were classified into doctors, patients, governments and some political parties. Among stakeholders as a whole, private healthcare physicians, who provide over 90% of primary care in Korea, amount to the largest demographic against the implementation of telemedicine. Their resistance was found to be the product of policies and problems arising from the coexistence of telemedicine and conventional healthcare regimes. With the COVID-19 pandemic, policymakers are at odds with these stakeholders while implementing a pilot project. Conclusion: Fostering smooth policy implementation necessitates adopting an approach that reduces conflicts with private healthcare providers.
  • Telemed._j._e._health
  • unk
  • WHO
  • Considerations on the Implementation of the Telemedicine System Encountered with Stakeholders\' Resistance in COVID-19 Pandemic
  • #780316
  • 2020


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